Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions – Focus on Harmonious Health Instead 

Many people begin the new year with a motivated attitude, ready to reach their goals, which often fizzles out after a few weeks. Resolutions and setting goals are a big part of everyone’s new year, but do they really stick? 80% of new year's resolutions actually fail by the second week of February, according to USA Today.  And it’s estimated that only about 8% of people actually stick to their resolution.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that when January 1st hits, we are supposed to start a new lifestyle and have the “new year, new me” mindset. Especially when we see New Year Resolution Ideas on social media, or hear friends and family having conversations about their goals for the upcoming year. While having goals and working towards bettering yourself is a good thing, we often add unnecessary pressure on ourselves and set goals that are not unattainable nor sustainable long term.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

1 - You’re Disconnected From Your New Year Resolution Ideas

Many people are disconnected from the reason they are doing them. Without getting to the root of why you want to lose weight, have more energy or get rid of an autoimmune disease, you’re likely not going to have long term success. 

Surface level goals like losing weight to look or feel better won’t get you there alone. You might lose the weight but it often won’t stay off unless tied to a deeper purpose.

2 - You Go All In

When you go all in and try to achieve too much fast, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Setting too many goals for yourself adds stress into the mix, which can be counterintuitive to your wellbeing.

3 - You Aren’t Really Ready to Change Your Lifestyle

Almost all chronic diseases can be reversed. Through lifestyle shifts. But many people are unwilling to look at their life in a different way and actually make the shifts they need long term for their desired results. They are afraid to step out of old patterns. Many often fear the part of themselves or things they will have to give up rather than the future benefits of what they will gian or the person they could become.

4 - You’re Stuck In a Cycle

You might be stuck in a cycle that seems to be like a washing machine that you just can;t seem to free yourself from. Spoiler alert – it might not be you. It might be your hormones, your gut health, or something else entirely. Here are a few factors of connectivity that are common cycles we see our clients stuck in that have trouble achieving true wellness.

Weight Plateau 

With many of our clients when they are stuck and just can’t seem to lose weight no matter how much they exercise or how clean they eat. This is often associated with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can create cravings for sugar and sweets that you just can’t seem to kick.

Fatigue + Brain Fog 

In order to improve your energy and mind it’s important to take care of yourself and stay well rested. Fatigue and brain fog holds many people back from reaching their wellness because they don’t have the energy to work towards them. Brain fog can stem from many things but one side effect we see that feeds the cycle is lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can continue the low energy cycle and getting out of it alone can be tricky.

Painful Periods

Painful periods may be something you have been dealing with because you thought you were just getting older or because it’s common. Just because something is common does not make it normal. One of the common issues I see in clients that suffer from painful periods is estrogen dominance.


The real resolutions in your life should have to do with harmonious health 365 days a year. When you get to the root cause of the symptoms you are experiencing you can live a more balanced and sustainable life year round. But it does take some breaking habits and commitment.

How to Have Lasting Success When It Comes to Harmonious Health

1 - Ditch Perfectionism When it Comes to Wellness

This goes in all aspects of life. The truth is we aren’t ever going to truly be perfect at anything we do. Oftentimes perfectionism stems from people pleasing  – achieving for others or achieving because people may perceive you in a certain light. Instead of perfectionism. Strive for progress. Every step in the right direction is worth celebrating.

2 - Start with Small Achievable Health Changes

Start with something small where you know you can achieve success. When you achieve a small win and continue to step into things that might be a bit more of a reach you will have more confidence and commitment in moving forward

3 - Find an Accountability Buddy

Better together? Usually correct, especially from a wellness standpoint. Find a friend or coworker to share the health habits you’d like to implement into your life year round. And then ask them to check in on you. Or if you’re aligned in your intentions, try doing some of the work together. All in all, friends and family can be a great way to have good health for the long haul as great relationships are one of the key factors in Blue Zones, the areas in the world that have the highest concentration of the longest living people. 

4 - Know Your ‘WHY’

This is one of the core things we teach in our small group coaching program, Detox Your Life. It’s often missed by so many who don;t have success long term in their health goals. And is essential to your success on your personal wellness journey.

If you’re ready to step out of a cycle and back into your old self, we’re ready to support you on your journey. Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about how one to one coaching can help you operate at your optimal so you can continue to share your unique gifts with the world in the best way you know how.

If you’re more of a group setting kinda person, Detox Your Life - a 6 week small group coaching program is for you.


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