How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body with Functional Medicine

Are you constantly dealing with annoying and even painful symptoms? You can’t quite figure out why they are occurring, but you just know that your daily fatigue, digestive issues, and/or mood swings have got to go…you have a business to run! 

Did you know these symptoms could be triggered by inflammation? Today you’ll learn how to reduce inflammation in the body with a functional medicine approach because you need to be in top-notch health to continue crushing being a powerful leader, right?

reducing inflammation in female woman naked

What is inflammation?

Inflammation itself isn’t dangerous. In fact, it’s needed for optimal immune response and healing. You need some inflammation for healing like when you cut your leg and it scabs over.

Inflammation is a sign that your body is sending white blood cells to the area to fight any foreign invaders, like bacteria, that may cause damage to your cells and body. 

It’s essentially your body’s response to keep you healthy.

But too much is when trouble starts brewing. 

Hidden signs you might have chronic inflammation

  • Skin issues

  • Brain Fog

  • Mood swings

  • Painful Periods

  • Abnormal bowel movements

  • Always feeling tired

  • Allergies

  • Autoimmune Disease

What causes inflammation overload?

The bad news is that a typical daily routine and lifestyle may be contributing to an overactive immune response.

Does this sound familiar? You wake up in the morning, roll over to turn your alarm off, open Instagram, and start checking emails. You quickly grab a bagel and sugary coffee on your way to work. You take out your work stress at the gym through HIIT workouts.

Unfortunately, these small unhealthy habits can cause you inflammation overload. 

The good news is that you have the opportunity to make new lifestyle choices every day. 

If you want to know how to reduce inflammation in the body, you first have to recognize and acknowledge where your major inflammatory stressors are coming from so you can avoid them. 

Stress and Inflammation Connection

If you feel stressed day after day, please know that it’s taking a toll on your body. Intense stress can over-activate your immune system, triggering pro-inflammatory molecules like C-reactive protein (CRP). 

Even though you may think stress is a requirement for “success,” please know that you can still run a business, make good money, and have time for enjoyment while NOT living in a state of chaos.

How Your Diet Plays a Role in Inflammation

The American Standard Diet increases chronic inflammation. You may be wondering, ”does alcohol cause inflammation?” or “Does sugar cause inflammation?” The short answer is yes, along with many other common foods like:

  • Dairy

  • Gluten

  • Processed Foods

So ditch the pro-inflammatory food and focus on eating more whole foods where you can ‘taste the rainbow’. Incorporate more omega-3 fatty acids, natural antioxidants, and fiber from whole foods. By doing so, you can actually reverse inflammation.

So, ask yourself when you sit down for a meal, “is this meal contributing to my inflammation or calming it?”

Hidden Environmental Toxins and Inflammation

Unfortunately, toxins are hiding in your everyday products, contributing to chronic inflammation.

When you’re bombarded with toxins every day, whether through your body wash, microplastics in your drinking water, or pesticides on your food, your immune response is constantly being triggered, leading to low levels of chronic inflammation and disease.

Knowing where toxins could be hiding is the first step in understanding how to avoid them.

What Happens If You Ignore Inflammation in the Body?

Chronic inflammation can brew for years until it eventually manifests as severe health consequences ranging from autoimmune disorders to cancer to irritable bowel syndrome. 

Connection to Autoimmune Disorders

Research suggests that abnormal inflammatory response is correlated with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), hyperthyroidism, and diabetes. 

Unlike western medicine, where it focuses on diagnosing and not preventing disease, Functional Medicine helps to read between the lines to prevent disease before it happens. If you have elevated inflammatory markers now, it’s vital that you address them before it contributes to full-blown autoimmune disease. 

If you already have an autoimmune disease, reducing your inflammation can put it into remission for good.

Connection to Chronic Disease

Inflammation is also a significant component of chronic diseases like metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and even cancer. This is why it’s essential to take the necessary steps for optimal health now and for your future. 

How to Get Rid of Inflammation

Are you worried about your inflammatory levels and wonder, “How can I reduce inflammation in the body?” 

Start incorporating the following tips into your daily routine:

  1. Avoid Foods that Trigger Inflammation: Avoid sugary, processed and pro-inflammatory foods. A food sensitivity test can also show you which foods are causing inflammation in your body. This is different for every person, so you won’t know for sure unless you get tested.

  2. Consume More Foods that Lower Inflammation: The Mediterranean diet is also one of the most studied diets that provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

  3. Move Your Body: Daily movement is key to keeping inflammation in check. Pick activities that you enjoy doing so you will actually do them. You don’t need to complete a HIIT workout or a 10-mile run every day. In fact, over-exercising could contribute to your inflammatory levels.

  4. Learn to Chill Out and Relax: Stress seems to seep into our everyday lives, but you must face this major inflammatory contributor. Set boundaries in your work and personal life, slow down your lifestyle, try breathing exercises, and make changes when you recognize patterns of stressful moments. This is especially important for women because as you approach perimenopause, your previous experiences will only magnify your feelings, worsening your perceived stress. Studies even show how yoga and meditation can reduce your stress hormones, cortisol, and inflammatory response.

  5. Ditch the Toxins: Swap out any toxic products with non-toxic alternatives. Investing in a high-quality water filter and air purifier for your home can also reduce daily toxins.

Testing for Inflammatory Markers

Are you wondering if your symptoms are from elevated inflammation? The following functional lab tests can give you an insight into your inflammation and immune response:

  • Homocysteine 

  • CRP (C-reactive protein)

  • White Blood Cells

  • MTHFR Gene Testing

  • GI Stool Testing

Join Our ‘Detox Your Life’ Small Group Health Coaching Program 

Are you ready to say goodbye to your symptoms for good? Our small group coaching program, Detox Your Life, contains all the support, motivation, and tools on how to reduce inflammation in the body so you can feel your absolute best! Click here to learn more and join us.


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