Reactivated Epstein Barr Virus Symptoms - Covid Consequence + More

Epstein Barr virus (EBV) is a hot topic right now. Rising research shows that EBV contributes to more health issues than previously thought. We are finding connections between EBV and COVID and even EBV and MS.

Reactivated Epstein Barr virus is setting off a slew of symptoms. But, what causes Epstein Barr Virus to reactivate in the first place?

This article explains what it is and how you can address it naturally. Epstein Barr virus affects more of the population than you may think (90%!), so you’ll want to read to the end to find out what action steps you can take to put EBV and its consequences (like long covid) to rest.

First of All, What is Epstein Barr Virus?

Covid virus picture or Epstein Barr

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is part of the herpes virus family and is one of the most common viruses in our population. It can cause mononucleosis (aka mono or “kissing disease”), but it doesn't always. 

This means that if you’ve had mono, you have EBV, but if you’ve never had mono, you could still have contracted the virus, but the infection just wasn’t noticeable (at that moment). 

Typically, once you have mono, you experience symptoms for a couple of weeks, and then it “goes away.” But unfortunately, this isn’t the end of the story. 

Can Epstein Barr virus come back?

Epstein Barr virus symptoms can show up months or even years after the initial infection because EBV never truly goes away. Even if your symptoms subside, the virus will remain inactive inside your body until a trigger reactivates it.

What causes Epstein Barr virus to reactivate? 

Some triggers of EBV include stress, a weakened immune system, taking immunosuppressants, or hormonal changes, and even COVID! (Read my previous article here, to read why hormonal imbalances are on the rise in women) 

But what’s important is that you know what causes Epstein Barr virus to reactivate in YOUR body. Is it stress from over working? Is it a weakened immune system from poor gut health? Is it from estrogen dominance? Or, honestly, it could be a combination of these factors.

Connection Between EBV and Long Covid

Some people who contract COVID can experience long-term symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, headaches, sleep issues, GI issues, and even rashes longer than the typical covid recovery time. Maybe you’re one of them. The medical community has termed this “Long COVID” or “COVID Long-Hauler Syndrome.” 

In fact, a surprising rate of about 30% of COVID-19 patients experiences these long-term symptoms after the initial COVID infection.

New studies are suggesting that these Long COVID symptoms may not actually be a direct result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself, but they may be the result of EBV reactivation, triggered by COVID-19 inflammation.  

In the study, 66.7% of long COVID subjects were positive for EBV reactivation based on positive titers for EBV, compared to 10% of the control subjects. The top symptoms of these individuals included fatigue, sleep issues, and headaches. (If you find that you’re tired all the time, read this article to find out other possible causes for your fatigue as well.)

The study cohort was on the smaller side, but these findings are significant and can give us an insight into preventing and treating Long Covid…or really, EVB reactivation. 

How Fast Can COVID Trigger EBV Reactivation?

Epstein Barr virus reactivation may occur shortly after or simultaneously with COVID-19 infection. This is because EBV reactivation can be triggered by stress (which getting COVID is obviously highly stressful for some people), and a weakened immune system (which COVID has shown to do).

How Can You Prevent EBV Reactivation and Long COVID?

The good news is that with simple lifestyle changes, you can reduce your risk of reactivating EBV and avoid experiencing those Long COVID symptoms.

It’s vital to keep EBV at bay because this virus has even been linked to triggering autoimmune diseases, increasing your risk of some cancers, and just recently been associated with promoting the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). So, really, preventing EBV is more than just avoiding Long COVID symptoms.

The way to keep the virus into remission isn’t by eliminating the virus itself, but it’s by incorporating healthy lifestyle behaviors to help create an environment or put your body in a state that doesn’t allow the virus to reproduce and flourish.

Natural Ways to Put EBV into Remission

  • Reduce Your Stress: Stress can weaken your immune system and is one of the main reasons for EBV reactivation. You must incorporate self-care time into your weekly schedule and learn to manage your stress. 

  • Focus on Eating Whole Organic Foods: Processed foods wreak havoc on your gut and don’t provide your body with micronutrients needed to keep your immune function optimal. Not only that, but these foods, along with gluten, sugar, and dairy, cause inflammation, which could trigger EBV. If you want to reduce inflammation in your body, give this article a quick read for some life-changing tips. 

  • Reduce Toxin Exposure: Hidden toxins are everywhere in your everyday products. They add to your toxin burden and contribute to reducing immune function and causing damage to your gut- both of which can contribute to EBV symptoms. 

  • Detox Your Body: It’s likely that your body is already bombarded with toxins that are interfering with vital functions and pathways. Detox Your Life is a 12-week small group coaching program that can help you detox your body and completely change your perspective and life on optimal wellbeing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life. 

  • Heal Your Gut: Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in your gut? If your gut is imbalanced, it can cause a weakened immune system, allowing the EBV virus to replicate and flourish. 

  • Focus on Getting Enough Quality Sleep: Sleep is another vital component of addressing EBV and Long COVID since it plays a significant role in detoxification, hormone, and immune health. There’s no way around it. You have to prioritize getting to sleep earlier. No more staying up, mindlessly watching Netflix until midnight.

  • Adaptogenic & Antiviral Herbs for Stress: Herbs like ashwagandha, lemon balm, licorice, holy basil, and ginseng are great for EBV patients.

Struggling with Long COVID or EBV? We Can Help

Are you struggling with Long COVID and want to know if EBV is to blame? We’re ready to support you on your healing journey to help you feel like yourself again. We specialize in finding the root cause of your illnesses and symptoms so you can show up as the best and healthiest version of yourself in this world. 

You don’t have to deal with Long COVID forever. We will help you discover what causes Epstein Barr Virus to reactivate in your body.

Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about how one-to-one coaching or if you’re more of a group setting kinda person, Detox Your Life - a 6-week small group coaching program is for you.


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